
The Truth About Colon Cleansing Detox

by 3 Day Detox on April 17, 2011

As humans, we allow many toxins into our bodies.  The body can usually take care of itself by getting rid of these toxins.  But, it’s possible that they can accumulate in the colon.  Colon cleansing detox helps deal with this problem.

There are many reasons why you should consider colon cleansing detox.  After completing the process, many people say that feel more energetic and have a better overall mood.  It can also help your skin appear healthier.

Cleansing the colon also offers a range of other benefits.  It helps reduce episodes of constipation, headaches, and indigestion.  The immune system will also be stronger to help it fight off illnesses better.

This type of detox aims to clean out the colon mainly through fasting and a proper diet.  Most people drink large quantities of water when cleansing their colon.  However, drinking fruit juice is a suitable alternative and offers the benefit of great taste.

You should try to drink between eight and ten glasses of water while on a colon cleansing detox program.  It’s best that you make sure that it’s filtered or purified.  Tap water can have a lot of contaminants like chlorine and metals, especially if it travels through old piping.

While drinking water, you will need to increase your intake of healthy foods.  Eat vegetables and fruits raw instead of cooked.  Cooking food will rob it of some of its nutrients and minerals.  Try to avoid this while cleansing your colon.

There are certain foods that you should avoid when on a colon cleansing detox plan.  The number one thing to avoid is meat.  You also need to avoid white flour and processed sugar.  It’s much better to eat whole grain bread instead.

Some people choose to use supplements

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