
What is Yeast Infection – Symptoms

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Yeast infections are not taken seriously because the general feeling in the medical community is that it is a harmless fungus and how much damage can a fungal infection do.

But yeast infections can wreak havoc in our lives impacting our physical and emotional wellbeing. Systemic yeast infection or candida is one of the most silent threat brought about by the over use of antibiotics and the industrialized way of life.

Some of the symptoms of Yeast infection are:

    -Gas, bloating, constipation and indigestion
    -Food cravings especially for carbohydrates or sweets.
    -Mood swings, depression or suicidal tendencies
    -Hormonal imbalances
    -Dry skin
    -Nail fungus
    -Vaginal Yeast Infection
    -Craving for chocolates
    -Leaky Gut Syndrome
    -Joint or muscle pain
    -Bad breath
    -Food and Chemical Allergies
    -Vaginal yeast infections
    -Thyroid problems
    -Fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue
    -Weight gain
    -Bleeding gums
    -Blood sugar imbalances
    -Insulin resistance

Yeast infections can spread into every organ of the body and can cause problems where there seems to be no solution. A multi-pronged apprach is necessary to rid the body of yeast infection:

    -Controlled diet
    -Detox supplements
    -Natural Anti-candida supplements

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